Thursday, 22 April 2010

Lazy Brunch

Friday, and it's sunny outside. There's a whole day of library-based studying ahead of me, so a lazy breakfast with coffee and magazines seems like the right way to be beginning the end of the week. This lazy brunch, which is actually just a slightly more exciting version of my usual breakfast, is pretty healthy and a great way to set yourself up for the day...

Friday - Muesli with yoghurt, blueberries, and strawberry and rhubarb compote

a handful of blueberries
3 spoons of muesli
1 individual pot yoghurt
2 spoons of compote (see below)

If you don't want to mix everything together (which I do) then make sure that the yoghurt is the bottom layer, with the muesli next and compote on top, sprinkled with blueberries - this way the muesli won't be dry!

For the Strawberry and Rhubarb Compote:
1 pack rhubarb
1 pack strawberries, quartered
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup orange juice (fresh)

Chop the rhubarb into 2cm pieces and add to a pan with the sugar and orange juice. Heat over a low heat until it comes to the boil. Add the strawberries and cook for a further minute. The compote will seem too wet at this point, but don't fear! - allow to cool and pour into a bowl or tupperware to put into the fridge. Leave in the fridge overnight and it will be a beautiful bright pink/red compote in the morning! Perfect.

a perfect way to start the day!

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